Back Pain

Back Pain Treatment and Chiropractic Adjustments from a Chiropractor Near You

Back pain can become chronic and even debilitating without proper care, exercises, or back pain relief readily accessible to you. At Dyker Heights Family Chiropractor in Brooklyn, NY, we specialize in offering pain relief solutions that are holistic and chiropractic in nature. Our range of services that include back pain treatment and standard chiropractic adjustment services can help you find the relief you need to resume daily activities as normal.


Chiropractic Care for Back Pain

Dealing with back pain can be extremely disruptive, especially if your back pain is impacting your spine, a herniated disc, or nerves that are compressed. At Dyker Heights Family Chiropractor, we aim to address the potential underlying causes of back pain and specialize in assisting with the following issues and/or conditions:

  • Herniated Discs: A herniated or bulging disc can cause nerve compression, pain, and chronic discomfort. Spinal or chiropractic adjustment may be recommended to help realign your spinal discs.
  • Sciatica: Pain that radiates from the lower lumbar and buttocks area down the leg(s) is often referred to as sciatica.
  • Injury: Sports or personal injuries may also trigger slipped discs, inflammation, or muscle/ligament tearing.
  • Lower Back Pain: Lower lumbar pain may also require specialized massage therapy and soft tissue therapy along with adjustments, depending on the root cause of the pain itself.

Corrective Therapy and Exercises for Back Pain

Once you begin working with a chiropractor near you at Dyker Heights Family Chiropractor, we will assess your needs. Our corrective exercise programs are developed to:

  • Enhance Healing Abilities: Correcting posture and muscle balance can expedite the healing process, especially in those who are suffering with lower back pain due to a sports-related injury or trauma injury
  • Function Improvement: Targeting specific areas of the back can also help increase strength and mobility in less time
  • Recurrence Prevention: Ongoing exercises and targeted back pain treatment can also help reinforce proper body mechanics, which may reduce the chances of a recurrence in the future.

Get Back Pain Treatment and Chiropractic Adjustment from a Chiropractor Near You for Back Pain Relief

If you've recently started having back pain, or you've always suffered from chronic back pain, finding a chiropractor near you in Brooklyn, NY, is possible by turning to Dyker Heights Family Chiropractor. At Dyker Heights Family Chiropractor, we will work with you to get to the root cause of your back pain to determine which back pain treatment or chiropractic regimen is right for you. Call us at (718) 837-0048 for help getting back pain relief.


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